How to Measure

Highly recommend measuring your nails to find the size that fits you perfectly.

Option 1 (Recommended):

Purchase a sizing kit in any one style.

OR a sizing kit bundle of two styles.

A sizing kit contains all nail sizes in your chosen shape (e.g., short almond) for you to test and find your perfect fit.

Once you've determined your nail sizes/numbers, you can match them to our standardized sizes (XS, S, M, L, XL) listed in the sizing chart below or opt for a custom size during checkout.

Option 2:

To measure your nails for press-on nails, lay a piece of tape across the widest part of your nail bed and mark both sides of your nail. Remove the tape and measure the distance between the two marks with a ruler in millimeters; repeat this process for each nail, ensuring you measure from the widest point across the nail bed, not the length. Consider sizing up if you are between two sizes or have flatter nail beds.